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Determination of surface runoff from the modelled area

Tatiana Kaletova 1  ,  
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
Environ. Earth Ecol. 2017;1(1):61-66
Knowledge of surface runoff characteristics allows creating better conditions for landscape management, whether rural or urban. We focused on a determination of a volume of surface water runoff and it velocity in this paper. A direct measurement was done on an experimental area with three different slopes in a laboratory. Results of direct measurements were compared with results from a model SMODERP and NRCS method used in GIS environment. The velocity of surface runoff was also calculated by a mathematical equation used in literature. The results of surface runoff volume from GIS were equal in all cases, but not the velocity. The results of SMODERP simulation and direct measurements are similar. The calculated velocity was the highest in case of first slope, and the lowest in other cases. Differences of the velocity varied in a range 1.10 - 11.06 %. The volume of surface runoff varied more, mainly the results of NRCS Curve Number method in GIS (up to 41 %). The results show that the higher slope, the higher runoff velocity and volume is.
Corresponding author
Tatiana Kaletova   
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic
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